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Fund project

1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China: Impacts of changing precipitation seasonality on carbon sink and stability in a semiarid temperate steppe (31830012), 2019-2023,¥2,870,000, PI.

2. The National Natural Science Foundation of China: Sensitivity to climate change of biodiversity and ecosystem functions in three temperate grasslands (31430015), 2015-2019,¥3,350,000, PI.

3. Innovation Scientists and Technicians Troop Construction Projects: Effects of legume crop rotation on crop yield and eco-environment in North China Plain (122101110800), 2013-2017, 1,000,000, PI.

4. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China: Responses of Chinese Grasslands to Global Change and their Influence on Regional Environment (2013CB956300), 2013-2017, 26,000,000, PI.

5. The National Natural Science Foundation of China: Carbon storage and sequestration potential under global change in the typical temperate steppe in northern China (41030104/ D0308), 2011-2014,¥2,500,000, PI.

6. Plan For Scientific Innovation Talent of Henan Province: Impacts of Climate Warming on Winter Wheat (114200510016), 2011-2013, 500,000, PI.

7. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars): Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (30925009), 2010-2013,¥2,000,000, PI.

8. Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Carbon sequestration potential in grasslands of China” (KZCX2-YW-Q1-06), 2009-2011, ¥3,500,000, PI.

9. The National Natural Science Foundation of China: "Impacts of changing C input on soil C pool and cycling in temperate steppe"(30870440), 2009-2011, ¥400,000, PI.

10. State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change “Effects of CO2 enrichment and nighttime warming on the temperate steppe”, 2008-2010, 2,500,000, PI.

11. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China: “Biogeochemical Cycles and Regional Responses” (2007CB106803), 2007-2011, 2,020,000, PI

12. Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Direct and indirect effects of global warming on ecosystem C cycling in the temperate steppe in northern China”, 2007-2009, ¥2,000,000, PI.

13. The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Differential effects of daytime and nighttime warming on community structure and ecosystem function in temperate grassland in northern China” (90511006), 2006-2009, ¥1,480,000, PI.

14. The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Effects of seasonal dynamics of water and nitrogen availability on the temporal differentiation of niches in C3 and C4 plants (30470273), 2005-2007, ¥200,000, PI.