*Ph.D., Soil Science
College of Environmental & Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, 09/2015-06/2020
*B.S., Resources and Environmental Science
College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, 09/2011-06/2015
*Global Change Ecology Lab (Lab PI: Prof. Shiqiang Wan), College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, 07/2020‒present
1、 Feng JY, Xu Y, Ma B, Tang CX, Philip C. B, He Y, Xu JM. Assembly of root-associated microbiomes of typical rice cultivars in response to lindane pollution. Environment International, 2019, 131, 104978.
2、 Feng JY, Shen-Tu J, Zhu YJ, Tang CX, He Y, Xu JM. Crop-dependent root-microbe-soil interactions induce contrasting natural attenuation of organochlorine lindane in soils. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 257, 11350.
3、 Feng JY, Zhu YJ, Shen-Tu J, Lu ZJ, He Y, Xu JM. Pollution adaptive responses of root-associated microbiomes induced the promoted but different attenuation of soil residual lindane. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 732, 139170.
4、 Feng JY, Shen XQ, Chen J, Shi JC, Xu JM, Tang CX, Philip C. B, He Y. Improved rhizoremediation for decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in E-waste contaminated soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 2019, 1(3-4): 157-173.
5、 Feng JY, Ashley E F, Lu ZJ, Xu JM, He Y. Assembly and variation of root-associated microbiota of rice during their vegetative growth phase with and without lindane pollutant. Soil Ecology Letters, 2020, accepted.