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添加时间:2023-12-20 20:59:14   浏览次数: 次    【 】   打印   关闭窗口

    其中,2020级博士翟常春的口头汇报“Nitrogen deposition causes the decoupling of plant with grassland soil bacterial and fungal but not protistan community structure along a precipitation gradient”2021级博士包甜甜的口头汇报“Responses of soil microclimate to climate warming and changing precipitation in three temperate steppes”,荣获了口头汇报二等奖2021级博士张嘉俊的口头汇报“Effects of nitrogen addition and elevated carbon dioxide on atmospheric vapor pressure deficit in a semi-arid grassland”2021级博士郭云鹏的口头汇报“Effects of nighttime warming and nitrogen addition on photosynthesis of Phragmites australis,荣获了口头汇报三等奖
    此外,实验室2021级硕士冯晗霖的墙报“Seasonal and vertical patterns of water availability determine plant reproductive phenology in response to intra-annual precipitation distribution”获得“墙报二等奖”,2021级硕士王晓盼的墙报“Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs on leaf functional traits and photosynthesis of three common emergent macrophytes in a freshwater wetland”获得“墙报三等奖”